Additional Services

At Bee Green Turf it is our goal to keep your lawn looking great.  Some lawns require additional services to keep them healthy and vibrant.   Mosquitos and Ticks can become a nuisance and health risk. Please inquire and explore how these services will help reduce pest populations and assist in maintaining a healthy lawn.

Soil Analysis

Soil testing provides important information about soil conditions; the levels of minerals, nutrients, organic matter and the presence of soil organisms.  Soil testing is an important step in determining corrective action.

Core Aeration

Core Aeration provides pore space allowing air, water, and nutrients to be absorbed into the soil improving root growth and nutrient retention.  Over seeding and compost application is usually desirable with core aeration. 

Slice Seeding

Slice seeding mechanically slits the turf and soil allowing seeds to drop in.  This service renovates existing lawns improving density making it less susceptible to pest and disease.   

Compost & Compost Tea

Compost and Compost Tea  supplies nutrients, increases root growth, microbial activity and improves soil structure.  In addition to reducing pesticide applications many benefits of Compost include improved lawn growth, and plant performance. 

Insect Control

Certain non beneficial insects can damage plant and grass growth.  Applications of insect control will reduce populations of pests such as Chinch Bugs or Sod Webworms. 

Mosquito & Tick Control

Mosquitoes spread Zika Virus and Ticks carry Lyme Disease just to name a few.  Prevention is important in lowering risk of infection.  We offer organic and traditional treatment options to help reduce the spread of viruses and diseases.